Barren River Initiative to
Get Healthy Together
1109 State Street
Bowling Green, KY 42102
"Do you find it difficult to provide healthy meals for your family?"

Healthy Food is Too Expensive.
Of the respondents who indicated they have trouble providing meals for their families, the most chosen reason why is that "healthy food is too expensive" (59.2%).

I Don't Have Enough Time.
49.6% of respondents who have trouble providing healthy meals for their families say they are too busy.
I Struggle to Have Enough Money.
41.4% indicate they "struggle to have enough money for healthy foods."

Click here for our strategies to better the nutrition of BRADD residents.
Physical Environment
Health Outcomes Related to Poor Nutrition
Social & Economic Context
The Barren River District Health Department, through collaboration provided by the BRIGHT Coalition, has set goals, objectives, and strategies to improve the health of our community. Below you'll find information on the strategies we are using or plan to use this CHIP cycle (2022-2024) to decrease rates of obesity in our community.
Strategy #1
We will share quick and easy recipe videos to social media, especially ones that support Fresh RX users.
Strategy #4
We will set up and maintain seed libraries throughout the BRADD region.
Strategy #2
We will encourage Butler County’s Farmers' Market to accept WIC by helping them through the process.
Strategy #5
We will provide guides and tips on urban gardening techniques, especially in urban areas.
Strategy #3
We will encourage farmers to sign up to accept WIC by highlighting the benefits and ease of process and supporting the process as needed.
Strategy #6
We will establish and/or support community gardens in each county.